Almost every guy I know wants to look good. Besides, who doesn’t want to be? Who doesn’t want to be a chick magnet and a confident man with a striking appearance? And if you want to be just like one, you may want to know more about Ryan Magin’s 51 Handsome Guy Secrets.
51 Handsome Guy Secrets Review
Here’s Ryan’s pitch: he’s going to transform you into a good-looking, confident, chick-attracting, and successful guy. Sounds too good to be true, right? Let’s see the truth behind this personality grooming course.
What is the 51 Handsome Guy Secrets course?
This is a self and personality-grooming course that helps men dress and groom properly. Ryan Magin, the creator of the course, said that this will help men gain respect from other men, land better job prospects, and attract more women.
Ryan claims that this course turned his life around where he got to date the hottest women, earn lots of money, and become a very handsome guy.
Here’s Ryan Magin and what the 51 Handsome Guy Secrets are all about:
In the video course, you’ll be guided on what and what not to wear. Men who don’t have any knowledge to style will benefit from this. By the end of the course, you should know how to dress to impress.
Ryan Magin acknowledges how the area of fashion can be quite obscure for men. Also, his course serves as a handy guide for men who are ashamed to ask for style advice from friends or family members.
Before you start with the program, take note that you’ll need to do some shopping. That means you have to invest not just your time and effort, but also your valuable bucks to revamp your wardrobe and style.
Still, this program will run through a limited budget to help cash-strapped men achieve better looks. Also, it will include tips on how to experiment with your wardrobe to come up with various styles with minimal pieces.
✔️Simple and clear advice for men
✔️A go-to guide for men who don’t want to research
✔️A complete guide on what and where to shop
✔️Creative tips on how to extend your wardrobe
✔️Styles that will look good no matter what the trend is
❌Overlapping tips that could have been expanded
❌Tends to be biased on a specific image
❌The tanning bed suggestion can be potentially harmful to some
What you will get when you sign up
Just for the record, Ryan’s course isn’t an e-book but a compilation of videos. There would be 51 videos, one for each secret. There is also free content that you can use to improve your image and grooming habits.
But contrary to the exciting title, there’s no secret on Ryan’s course. It’s a list of grooming tips which you can find on the web if you’re just willing to research.
Also, what I found as problematic here is that Ryan bases his grooming tips on one image. It doesn’t foster developing your own taste for clothing and how you can make it work on your own.
Another thing is that some guys don’t just want to dress well just to impress girls. Others just want to feel comfortable and real. This course also gives the impression that only ‘handsome’ guys have fun. This is, at any cost, not true. Just for the record, I’m not ugly, but as a guy, I have to put it here.
Still, I’d like to commend Ryan for making his followers feel guided while watching the videos. But with one guy dictating the description of being “handsome”, it’s just a bit iffy. It’s up to you to decide.
Preview of some of the ‘secrets’
Like what I said earlier, Ryan’s ‘secrets’ aren’t really treasured ‘secrets’ but tips. His tips segue from fashion tips to fitness and then back to grooming. As much as the tips are created with good intentions, asking someone to change his body just to “look good” is too much to ask. Perhaps, what this course is trying to achieve is transforming guys into a templated and general model of being “handsome”.
To give you an idea about what happens on the video courses, here are some of the so-called ‘secrets’:
Secret#1 – “Develop Your Personal Style”
Ryan says that this will build confidence while he urges the viewers to go past their comfort zones. He gives tips and specific clothing items that men could use.
Secret #2 – “Fit is Everything”
This part is discussed in both a sexual and practical way. Sure, you have to stay fit so you can slip on the clothes Ryan himself recommended you to wear.
Secret #23 – “Get a Tan”
I didn’t mean to sound awful, but this part is just disturbing. Ryan suggests the use of a tanning bed to achieve the complexion he thinks appeals to girls. This can be harmful to some and it’s just ironic how Ryan himself isn’t tanned in the video.
Secret #51 – “3 Shirts that Women Love on a Man”
The course ends with the not-so-exciting part of discussing shirts. There’s nothing special here, still, some guys can watch it for whatever it’s worth.
These are just some of the “secrets” that Ryan gives on his course. I’d end it here so as not to rain on his parade. BUT DON’T GET ME WRONG. Not all the tips are goners.
The concept of personal/everyday uniform
The above-mentioned points might be a downer but I still want to emphasize that there’s still something to gain on Ryan’s course.
First, I love that he discussed the idea of everyday uniforms. This isn’t a literal uniform, but a certain style that you can sport each day without having to spend hours thinking about it. This is crucial, especially for men who don’t have time to give their everyday looks much thought.
There are personal uniform examples on the videos which you can use at your disposal. For example, you are wearing a specific set of clothes. Ryan then teaches how you can make minor adjustments so your look will fit on the environment.
Still, the challenge here is mixing things up. Although you’ll have a certain style to use, it doesn’t mean you’re going to wear the same thing all over again.
Applying creativity to look good
Aside from the clothing pieces, Ryan also emphasizes the value of wearing accessories to boost your good looks. Some of these are hats, rings, ties, necklaces, sunglasses, and more. Ryan said that this will add flair to your wardrobe which will further accentuate your looks.
The video course also encourages users to mix and match colors to extend their wardrobe.
In the 51 Handsome Guy Secrets, the focus is neutral, solid colors. This way, dressing becomes simple but it gives a solid look that Ryan thinks is attractive for girls.
With the limited color selection, most guys won’t go wrong with how they dress. But for those who are exploring a more advanced styling, there’s little to learn on Ryan Magin’s course.
How to make the clothes look good
Ryan doesn’t just guide the viewers on what to wear. He also discusses in length how it should be worn to achieve the best look.
He gave options for every body type while encouraging men to become fit so they can slip into his standards of looking good.
Aside from sizing up the clothes properly, Ryan also gives advice about haircuts. He discusses what type of haircuts suits your look and style and how you should wear it.
Most of all, Ryan emphasized the value of getting your clothes tailored. Ryan says that getting the right fit of clothes is crucial so it will look good on you. This makes perfect sense since a lot of men only do this for their suits and other precious pieces of clothing.
What if I’m cash-strapped?
It’s true that not all of us guys can afford to shop ‘til we drop. Ryan recognizes this fact too. With this, Ryan gives recommendations that will fit for a variety of budget. Still, you should expect that you have to shell out extra money aside from the $97 fee for the course. If you chance upon a special offer, this can be more affordable at $47.
But if you have the money to splurge, you can try investing in more expensive clothing pieces. It’s all in your own discretion based on your style and preference.
Bonus items aside from the 51 Secrets
Aside from the 51 videos on the program, you’ll also get a few bonus products. One of these is Ryan’s ‘Going Out Cheat Sheet’. This is a video guide for men that discusses 10 tips and items that they should do and own to look good when going out for dates, special occasions, and other gatherings.
Another bonus is the ‘Fight Club Body which pushes men to train and get in shape. Ryan teaches here the kind of body that appeals the most to women.
But I think regardless if you want to get a girl or not, shaping up is beneficial if it’s done right.
One concern I want to raise about Ryan’s Fight Club Body is it may stir insecurities among some men. Some guys find it hard to lose weight or don’t have the time to do so. And with Ryan projecting the impression of being handsome in a certain body type, it may frustrate some of the viewers.
Lastly, there’s a private Facebook group where Ryan posts complementary content. For those who find his video courses helpful, the Facebook group is worth joining.
How will the 51 Handsome Guy Secrets change your look?
From what you wear and the way you wear it, Ryan Magin has covered the basics. Here are some of the ways his video course will help transform you into a well-dressed guy, at least.
1. Getting the items you need
Ryan shares some tips on what pieces of clothing you should have in your closet. This is practical advice, much like how fashion websites suggest clothing styles for the ladies.
Here, you will be guided on what and where to buy plus what size you should get based on your body type.
Basically, Ryan teaches here to dress like a grownup. If you look like a bummer who only has a few hoodies and the same jeans over the years, this might help you out.
2. Accessories aren’t just for women
A lot of men think that they are less masculine when they give much fuss about accessories. But just like how it does with women, accessories will accentuate the clothes you’re wearing.
Aside from the pants and shirts, Ryan also makes use of hats, ties, sunglasses, and such for various occasions.
3. It encourages you to be fit
I have mixed opinions about the Fight Club content, but I think it’s worth the shot as long as your intentions are right. I just don’t think that you should stay in shape just for the sake of attracting women. Trust me, I’d been there.
So is this legit or a scam?
I’m not in favor of the whole program, but I think it’s unfair to dismiss Ryan Magin’s program as a scam. A lot of men benefited from his advice plus many others have professed the efficiency of the courses.
Besides, his program is affordable and there’s a 60-day money-back guarantee in case you’re not happy with the results.
What men should realize is that becoming more attractive is a process. Sure, you can watch all of Ryan’s videos, but you have to execute it to see the results. At the end of the day, your confidence and self-esteem will go a long way too.
Overall, Ryan Magin’s 51 Handsome Guy Secrets are easy to follow. It’s up to you how you will execute it and make it work for your benefit. Sure, his course comes with a money-back guarantee, but just don’t lose sight of your own self in the process of revamping your style.